AnyDesk: Log files *.trace

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AnyDesk generates log files while running that can be used for diagnosing issues.

Some errors occur without causing an immediate crash and may result in other undesired behavior. It is highly recommended to include the trace files from both participating devices, as well as a detailed description of the problem, when submitting a support ticket.

To send support information, go to Settings > About AnyDesk > Support Information in the AnyDesk client and click on “Send support information.” This will automatically open your default email client with the device’s trace files already attached.

If you’re sending files from two or more devices, manually rename the trace files to link them to the corresponding device. For example:

Local_ad.trace Local_ad_svc.trace

Remote_ad.trace Remote_ad_svc.trace

Or if you’re sending the trace files as one archive:

The log files can be manually located in the following locations:

Operating System Type Standard Client
Windows 7 and later User interface based log files. %appdata%\AnyDesk\ad.trace
Service based log files (network based). Only available if AnyDesk is installed. %programdata%\AnyDesk\ad_svc.trace
Windows XP/Server 2003 User interface based log files. %appdata%\AnyDesk\ad.trace
Service based log files (network based). Only available if AnyDesk is installed. %AllUsersProfile%\AnyDesk\ad_svc.trace
MacOS Uninstalled ~/.anydesk/anydesk.trace
Installed /var/log/anydesk.trace
Linux Uninstalled ~/.anydesk/anydesk.trace
Installed var/log/anydesk.trace

Operating System Type Customized Client
Windows 7 and later User interface based log files. %appdata%\AnyDesk\ad_<prefix>\ad_<prefix>.trace
Service based log files (network based). Only available if AnyDesk is installed. %programdata%\AnyDesk\ad_<prefix>\ad_<prefix>_svc.trace
Windows XP/Server 2003 User interface based log files. %appdata%\AnyDesk\ad_<prefix>\ad_<prefix>.trace
Service based log files (network based). Only available if AnyDesk is installed. %AllUsersProfile%\AnyDesk\ad_<prefix>\ad_<prefix>_svc.trace
MacOS Uninstalled ~/.anydesk_ad_<prefix>/anydesk_ad_<prefix>.trace
Installed /var/log/anydesk_ad_<prefix>.trace
Linux Uninstalled ~/.anydesk_ad_<prefix>/anydesk_ad_<prefix>.trace
Installed /var/log/anydesk_ad_<prefix>.trace

When receiving a connection request, AnyDesk creates a “connection_trace.txt” file that includes information such as session details like connection date and time, how the connection was accepted or rejected, and who sent the connection request.

The local “connection_trace.txt” file can be found in the same folder as the configuration files for the AnyDesk client.

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